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/ MacWorld 1998 May / Macworld (1998-05).dmg / Shareware World / Graphics / BigPicture 3.7 / BigPicture / BigPicture.rsrc / PICT_137.png < prev    next >
Portable Network Graphic  |  1997-11-02  |  6KB  |  424x211  |  1-bit (2 colors)
Labels: box | bulletin board | clock | daily | sky
OCR: BigPicture Window Button Controls $20 Shareware to Comments 'Ques tions to John Montbriand tinu ljohn@sk. cympatico.ca P.0. Box 1133 Saskatoon SK Canada S7K 3N2 Image Info Image Click for Goto Window Selection 1/24 45% Ho1ding command and option keys while clicking here deletes the file BigPicture Copyright c 1994 1996 1997 bu John Montbriand All Rights Reserved. tiny sumpatico Saska atoon MopuiM OMOx Copuright